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More soldiers will be stronger when a UN peace
More soldiers will be stronger when a UN peace
Birendra Peace KAVRE pamcakhalasthita work more effective training
center has initiated the construction of physical infrastructure, said. Other security forces to establish peace in Nepal Police and Armed
Police Force, including the one in the place of establishment of
integrated peace mission planning of the training, according to the
Nepal Army.Centre
Assistant Chief of kendrapati and Ashok khamnale center within a year
of the mission in preparation for the establishment of peace the
strategic level seminar information. They are trained according to the most recent major senanisammama center. He said, "More than ones above, however, are part of the UN as a senior leader, Force Commander and Deputy Force Commander are. For them, the goal of the seminar is discussion. 'Khamnale also lobbying for a year will be organized during the course said. Now the Nepal Army peace keeping missions, including providing information about the related ministry officials said.Chief
Rajendra Chhetri issued September 11, 2072 in the command center, and
there will be training for guidance in upgrading is to be mentioned. Wherein said work ahead Khand.Chief Chhetri Birendra Peace Operations Training Centre will work
recognized training program to the United Nations bodies, including the
process forward and protect the civil sector, as well as interact with
raised center for eksilensaka have expressed commitment to gradually
deadline for the concerned countries 'Doctrine' cause, citing the
training center for young people is now 6 months after the mission a
year is going to start courses of psychological and stress arrangements
khamnale major fighter said. Young people need to go in a few countries, including information about language has been given.The government increased the number of military missions magaanusarai Nepalese army said. Earlier,
a 5-hajaramatra been sending a UN peace soldiers now 10 percent of the
total number of UN peace troops would have to go. Recently 9 6 thousand is about the size of the Nepal Army.Birendra Peace Action Training Center, now the army itself, and foreign aid have made great house and the solution. The last time the US Army has received the support of the great hall. Chief
of Mission, who died while in the name of the Kabindra kavindrajanga
Thapa Hall 210 at the same time to be sitting training. Also, a separate 56-storied building has a capacity of female friendship hall has been built. Khamnale said, "is a serious and common injuries during training with
the young no longer be the same hospital for treatment. 'Center, a
building has been constructed around a dozen bedasahita.In 1 9 1 9 58 55 became a member of the United Nations for the first time in Nepal had 5 observers in Lebanon. In 1 9 74 Battalion of Nepal Army in Egypt was the first time for the establishment of peace. So far, 63 soldiers died during the Peace Mission in Nepal is. Recent missions deployed in 15 countries in 44 hundred and 10 are different.
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